web dev
Yabla Website Funnel HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS Designed and developed a website funnel to increase conversions.
David Winter Portfolio Website HTML, CSS, JS Designed and developed an interactive portfolio for internationally recognized artist David Winter.
Dark Days Website HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS Designed and developed an interactive website companion to the Dark Days Newspaper
Property Sponge Prototype HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS Designed and developed front-end responsive prototype to demo the real estate app.
My Portfolio Site HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS, parallax.js Yes, this website... I know, how meta...
Senet: The Game of Passing HTML, CSS, Phaser.js, Three.js Built an interactive boardgame based on the Egyptian game of the dead
National Treasure Ballpit HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS, matter.js A playful mini project: Practicing 2d physics with matter.js via a Nicholas Cage Inspired Ballpit